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External and Self-evaluation

The 1st丂Minutes proposal

The 1st Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing Undergraduate GP self-evaluation committee meeting in the fiscal year 2009 and
The 1st Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing in graduate school GP self-evaluation committee meeting in the fiscal year 2009

Date & time: May 11 (Mon.), 2009 11:00 乣 12:00
Place: Main conference room
Attendants: President Noguchi, Dean Maeda, Chief librarian Kadekaru,
丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂Dean of students Kinjo , Professor Kamisato,
丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂Director Arime (committees)
丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂Vice-councilor Shinzato, Une, Nakaima, and Medoruma (secretariat)

Proceedings 1. Self-evaluation

乮侾乯 Undergraduate GP "Program for Enhancing High Quality University Education "
丂丂丂Project name: Studying for Nursing and Health Education Practicum utilizing
丂丂丂island environment

Dean Maeda reported that the project of fiscal year 2008 proceeded as planned. (the training evaluation was reported by Kadekaru chief librarian ).
嘆 Establishment of intramural project promotion and evaluation system, implementation of related meetings, and information sharing to faculty
嘇 Regarding clinical practices and the instruction in Miyako Island, the analysis of issues up to now, the training and instruction plan for the following fiscal year, the experimental implementation of training evaluation (students and local training instructors)
嘊 Establishment of the system required for implementation in Miyakojima (appointment of coordinator, a volunteer organization, and establishment of the Miyakojima training promotion committee)
嘋 Maintenance of local training environment (purchase and installation of IT apparatus)
嘍 (regarding the project) Holding the progress report meeting and the evaluation meeting for the fiscal year 2008
Regarding the project plan, the program supporting educational ability for the local staff is falling behind (The briefing session of the operation method of IT apparatus, etc), and it was reported to be the prospective issue.
It was pointed out that the report from Chair Noguchi was adjusted as a self-evaluation document and prepared for the next external evaluation meeting.

乮俀乯 Graduate school GP "Program for Supporting Educational Reform in Graduate
丂丂丂Project name: Development of Advanced Nursing Specialist in Islands Nursing
丂丂丂Professor Kamisato (in charge of implementation) reported that the project of
丂丂丂fiscal year 2008 was proceeded as planned. .

嘆 Construction of island health nursing instruction system (syllabus preparation, allocation of nursing teachers)
嘇 Entrance examination enforcement for an island health nursing field (2 masters and 2 doctors are accepted for admission)
嘊 Preparation for exchange with Pacific Islands area (inspection and information gathering from University of Guam and the Taiwan medicine university)
嘋 Opening of the Miyako campus (installation of a distance education system, management of communication environment, etc.)
Regarding future issues, the master and doctor students who do not understood some part of the GP objective (the graduate education is not imaged for island education), and since the current fiscal year is the last student recruitment, how the outcome is retained (including utilization of equipment), enforcement of the class assessment, and arrangement of lecture system (communication environment and adjustment among teachers)
The opinion from the other committee was the necessity of examining the way to use Miyako campus widely (only one graduate student living in Miyako).
Chair Noguchi instructed that the report from Professor Kamisato and the committee's opinions were adjusted as the self-evaluation document and was prepared like the undergraduate GP.

Proceedings 2. Regarding preparation towards the external evaluation
丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂丂committee meeting (6 / 13 Miyakojima-city)

乮侾乯 Preparation of meeting materials
Regarding meeting materials, the reports from the undergraduate and the graduate school, the self-evaluation documents instructed in the proceedings 1, and the other materials indicating the project outline are adjusted with the person in charge and the chairperson and prepared for the meeting.

乮俀乯 The schedule of the external committee in Miyakojima-city
The external evaluation meeting will be held at the hotel Kyowa (Miyakojima-city), and will be proceeded by the following schedule:

14:00 乣 14:55
Program for Enhancing Systematic Education in Graduate School (Development of Advanced Nursing Specialist in Island Nursing)
丂丒 President greeting
丂丒 The grant of the commission
丂丒 The external committee's self-introduction
丂丒 Explanation of the project outline
丂丒 Evaluation from the external committee

15:05 乣 16:00
A high quality university education promotion program (educational practice of health nursing studied taking advantage of island environment)
丒 The same schedule as the graduate school
When the committees request the inspection of Miyako campus and Miyako Island, it is included after the end of the meeting



亂 Contact 亃
Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing, Graduate School
1-24-1 Yogi, Naha City, Okinawa
Phone: 098 (833) 8800
FAX: 098 (833) 5133